Guess who decided she wanted to be just like her big sister right after this? The silly thing is, had I known Ruby was going to try this too I would have probably told her it was too dangerous. Silly mommy…she stuck her landing like a freaking gymnast and in true Ruby fashion continues to amaze me at every turn.

Also, their daddy is the bomb-digety. He thinks time is going way too fast (I think so too) and he wants to make Tuesday afternoons family adventure day. It took a lot of coaxing to get the preteen to agree to walk down to the park ????, but once we got there we were chased by Lava Monsters, nailing epic swing jumps, climbing trees and giggling the whole way. Now the girls are already looking forward to our next adventure ❤️.
#daddyrocks #rubysrainbow #theluckyfew #ellamaeisthecoolest#lifewithrubydoobs