Ruby's Rainbow is a 501(c)(3) non-profit org.


About Ruby’s Rainbow

Ruby’s Rainbow grants scholarships to help students with Down syndrome pursue their higher-education dreams, and shows the world about their AMAZING capabilities!


Our Mission

Our mission at Ruby’s Rainbow is to support students rockin’ that extra chromosome in achieving their dreams of higher education and independence, while spreading awareness of their capabilities and general awesomeness! We provide college scholarships for students with Down syndrome attending post-secondary programs in the U.S. and shout their worth to the rooftops!!


Our Vision

We envision a world that celebrates people with Down syndrome and empowers them to reach their fullest potential — a world that supports acceptance, inclusion and access to higher education for people of ALL abilities.

Core Values

At Ruby’s Rainbow, we want to make a positive impact in everything we do. Our six core values drive our every action and decision.


We believe everyone in the world is deserving of love, respect, and compassion, and we see kindness as the key to a brighter world for all.


We believe in being truthful, decent human beings who consistently do the right thing. We honor the trust placed in our organization by our scholarship recipients, donors, and volunteers by handling their generous investments with care.


We believe all people are lifelong learners and everyone deserves access to education. We are committed to bringing awareness of these core beliefs to the broader community.


We believe community is one of our most powerful assets and that the best things come from pulling together. The power of community can collapse barriers and change the world.


We believe every person has worth and should be valued in their community.


We believe showing the world what’s possible brings hope and creates opportunities.

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Why we do and what we do

A Letter From Liz

I always joke that Ruby came “early, tiny and rockin’ an extra chromosome.”

They told me she had Down syndrome before I got to hold her for the very first time, and if I am being honest — I didn’t know anything about Down syndrome at the time of her birth. We got to take her home after about 3 weeks in the NICU, and the only thing I really knew about Down syndrome was what Ruby showed me: She was strong. She was capable. She was determined. She was smart. And she was adorable.

But of course as a new mama on this unexpected journey, I wanted to know EVERYTHING there was to know about Down syndrome…so when I got home, I went out to the library and checked out literally every book I could find. But you know what? None of the books depicted this perfect little human that I watched grow every day. This perfect little human who worked so incredibly hard every single day to be the best lil’ version of herself she could be. None of them talked about all the amazing things she was going to do with her life, the possibilities or even the opportunities that might be available.

She wasn’t even a few months old, but she had already taught me so much about resilience, acceptance and patience. I knew there was more. I knew she was more, was better, and was capable of amazing things…things that books and society weren’t telling me about. So it was at that moment I shut the books and decided to let her guide me and show me the way. Ruby’s future was not going to be determined by some outdated book. I was going to do my best to give her all the right support to help her grow and thrive…but only she would determine how high she would fly.

The moment I held Ruby for the first time, I just knew I had to do something to show the world what I saw in my daughter. It was almost like a lightning bolt shot out from her heart to mine, and I had this insane bright light and energy waiting to burst out of my soul. After getting her home and settled, I really started wondering about the possibilities for her future. I figured I could control the “now” by being sure she got the therapies she needed, working with her, including her in every aspect of our life…but what about the future? I knew I wanted Ruby to have all the same opportunities her big sister may have someday…including college.

I remember so clearly coming to my husband when Ruby was about 6 months old and saying, “I think I want to help someone with Down syndrome go to college.” We didn’t even know if people with Down syndrome were going to college, but I knew in my heart Ruby was capable of amazing things and I wanted to help someone rockin’ it — just like her — go and do amazing things. This is when Ruby’s Rainbow was born. Well, actually, the organization was likely born the first time I held Ruby…I just didn’t know it then. Her spirit and determination have inspired us to start a non-profit and stand up and shout as loud as we can that people with Down syndrome are CAPABLE.

We really and truly hope you enjoy following along! We are so proud of each Rockin’ Recipient and honored to be able to help them in some way on their journey toward higher education and independence! It makes our hearts smile so big!

Find Post-Secondary Opportunities

Are you looking for post-secondary education opportunities for yourself or someone you know who has Down syndrome? Check out Think College’s search directory to find incredible programs in your area and across the nation!


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