Donate Through the Our Future Is Bright 3/21 Pledge Page Here!

Welcome to Audrey and Jeremy’s 3rd Annual
Our Future Is Bright
Fundraiser Supporting Ruby’s Rainbow!

Audrey and Jeremy are lifelong friends who are achieving their goals and dreams. Audrey, while still in high school, is visiting colleges this spring in preparation for applying in the fall. Audrey is involved with drama and dance at school and will continue both when she attends college. She is looking forward to living in a dorm, making new friends and learning skills to help her pursue her interests in photography and dance as a career. Jeremy, a Ruby’s Rainbow Rockin’ Recipient himself, will be graduating from Stanbridge University’s Life College this summer. He has gained valuable skills for future employment with an internship at a local car dealership as well as in all of his classes. Jeremy is also using his knowledge, skills and experience as a board member with a local Down syndrome organization. The sky’s the limit for Audrey and Jeremy!

Together with their families, Audrey and Jeremy decided to fundraise for Ruby’s Rainbow in 2020 so they could help other young adults with Down syndrome achieve their big dreams. Life and learning don’t stop after high school, and education shouldn’t stop, either. For individuals with Down syndrome, the college experience is about gaining independence, building new relationships, rising to challenges and reaching for the stars—and grabbing them!

When you join us in donating to Ruby’s Rainbow, 100% of the proceeds will go to benefiting this organization with a mission that is near and dear to our hearts! Our fundraising goal this year is $3210. If we raise a total of $3,000 or more, Ruby’s Rainbow will award an “Audrey and Jeremy’s Our Future Is Bright” scholarship to a brand-new Rockin’ Recipient this summer!! We had so much fun awarding our 2020 scholarship to Liv and our 2021 scholarship to Joseph. We can’t wait to see who our 2022 Our Future Is Bright Rockin’ Recipient will be!

Thank you for taking the 3/21 Pledge and helping us achieve our goal!