Joseph is a two-time Rockin’ Recipient and this year’s recipient of the Ruby’s Rainbow Our Future Is Bright: The Audrey and Jeremy Scholarship Award. This fall, he begins his third year at Shepherds College, where he is studying Culinary Arts. He has a cumulative GPA of 3.67 and has been on the dean’s honor list. He would like to become either a cook on a Disney cruise ship or a police state trooper someday.

Joseph loves playing the drums, and he believes God has given him his musical talent. He loves playing drums to lead worship at his church. He is also training in Kung Fu, and loves to display his martial arts talents for others, in part to introduce them to an aspect of his Chinese culture.

His professors and mentors describe Joseph as a hard worker with a passion for helping others, who puts effort into everything he does. We see these qualities in you, Joseph! We think you rock—we’re so proud of you!