2020 Rockin' Recipient Jacob Stives with his dorm mate at Syracuse University

So Rockin’ Recipient Jacob’s parents wanted to visit him at Syracuse U Labor Day weekend but he said no – “Maybe next weekend. I’m pretty busy.” 😍😍 Mom’s response? “LOL! 😂 When we chat with him on FaceTime, he has said multiple times, ‘I love being a college student. I love it here.’ It makes my heart so happy that he is happy and is living his dream of going to college.”

Well that just makes MY heart so ding-dang happy too!! THAT is why we do what we do here at Ruby’s Rainbow!! ❤️❤️ (And don’t worry, if Jacob’s not too busy, his parents will get to visit him soon – he’s just a couple hours’ drive away 😍) Oh AND he said the snacks behind him in the pic are for his guests when other students in the dorm stop by or visit ❤️❤️ – #TrueGentleman

Learn more about Jacob >>> https://rubysrainbow.org/recipients/2020-jacob-stives/

#KeepOnRockinItJacob #RockinRecipientsRule #DownSyndromeRocks #CollegeLife #DormLife #NothingDownAboutIt #TheLuckyFew