Umm…the total for the 3/21 Pledge is in and I am crying all the happy tears over here. Do you wanna know what you guys helped us do?!

Drumroll please…$280,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What in the world!?! YOU GUYS SHOWED UP in the most fierce, incredible way to show people with Down syndrome they are a valuable, important part of this world and that WE BELIEVE in them ❤️❤️

It’s UNBELIEVABLE!!! But then again I do believe it because you guys are pretty darn spectacular. WE DID THIS TOGETHER and my heart is forever grateful to each of you!! And so is this lil’ lady who started the spark in my heart❤️❤️❤️WE LOVE YOU BIG!!!!!

#theluckyfew #lifewithrubydoobs#lovewhatmatters #grateful #downsyndrome#rubysrainbow #321pledge