Ruby’s Rainbow,

My name is Josie and wanted to share with you all how one of your Rockin’ Recipients has impacted my community. His name is Scott and he is a barista at a new inclusive coffee shop in my community of Greensboro NC, A Special Blend. Scott works on the weekends and is in charge of blending up some of the most delicious smoothies ever. Scott is a hard worker, and it shows in his attention to detail and concern for the quality of the product.

As a student I always find myself at A Special Blend to study because it is such a positive environment. While I’m studying Scott often will come over to chat before his shift. We talk about everything, really and he has taught me a lot about college life and being a good human. He is always there to offer a hug or fist bump to break up the stress of a study session. I love hearing about his week and all of his life stories.

He is such a valued member of our community, and I am Glad Ruby’s Rainbow has recognized him! A Special Blend has truly unified our community, and I have gained an amazing buddy in Scott. Please keep being awesome!!

❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
THIS is why we PLEDGE!! Omgoodness this makes my heart smile so BIG!!!

ONLY THREE MORE DAYS UNTIL WDSD!!!! Have you Pledged yet?! EEK!!

#321pledge #rubysrainbow #rockinrecipientsrule #wdsd2019#downsyndrome