Okay, this Mars Hill U article about Zach Benton is AWESOME (and the shout-out in it to Ruby’s Rainbow is pretty great too)!! For your reading pleasure:

Zach attended Western Carolina U’s UP Program and was a Ruby’s Rainbow Rockin’ Recipient in 2013. Now he lives independently and works as a housekeeper in two residence halls at Mars Hill. (You‘ve probably seen my posts about him before, cuz he’s just that amazing!) From the article:

“The residence halls are my favorite,” he says, “because it’s like working at a skyscraper with all the floors. And seeing the students waking up to a clean dorm, it just makes me happy to see the students and see the things that need to be done. I just love working here in the residence halls.”

Well I just ❤️ his perspective and his commitment to working hard in service of others. What a wonderful heart he has!! 😍🤗

Learn more about Zach here!https://rubysrainbow.org/recipients/zachary-benton/

#KeepOnRockinItZach #RockinRecipientsRule#TheLuckyFew #DownSyndromeAwareness#DownSyndromeRocks #RubysRainbow