Olivia Elder is rockin’ it at Bethel University, where she’s in the BUILD program…and she’s super-duper happy in her dorm room!! That’s her incredible original artwork up on the walls in the 2nd pic! She’s adjusting to college life like a boss!!
This gorgeous lady is a 2017 Rockin’ Recipient, and she’s super well-rounded as well as determined: She volunteers & does Tae Kwon Do (she’s already a purple belt!!!), and she aims for having a job, a cat and her own place in five years!! ????????????????????????
And that last pic is extra special to me…it’s of Olivia and me on move-in day at her school!!! ❤️????❤️ It was SOOOO fun and SUCH a privilege to sit down with this lady where she’s in her element, and just gettin’ to see her doin’ her thing!!! ????????????
More about Olivia here: http://bit.ly/2lA0X6m