It’s Monday night, it’s the start of a new week, and it’s time for another 2017 Rockin’ Recipient bio!! ????❤️????

Okay peeps, this lady is seriously cool. (Well, ALL our Rockin’ Recipients are seriously cool!!)  is chasing her dreams of working in film and TV; last year she completed an internship at the Joey Travolta Short Film Camp, an “inclusive filmmaking experience taught by Hollywood professionals” that develops & celebrates the talents & skills of students with and without special needs. So awesome!!! ❤️❤️ Marissa received her Certificate of Appreciation from the camp and is now attending her third year at the Inclusion Films Practical Film and Media Workshop.

I would go on but I’ll stop 
here because I’ve got a SERIOUSLY EXCITING update about Marissa that I can hardly wait to post!! ???????????? So keep an eye out for that in the next day or so!!!

For now, you can read more about Marissa here!