“My name is Sean Cleverdon. I was born with Down Syndrome, but that does not define me.”

He is attending the ClemsonLIFE Program and so excited to be in college. Sean loves to travel, and also loves to attend church with his family where he enjoys helping out on their volunteer work days. He is a 7 time Special Olympic Gold medalist in swimming and has even completed a triathlon! Another goal of Sean’s? To be able to drive like all of his friends. He says:

“When I turned 15 I wanted to learn how to drive like all the other kids so I took my driving test, but I did not pass. So, I went home and studied and studied and then I studied some more. When I took that test again I made a 100%! I got my permit and my Dad and me drive all over the place practicing my driving. I got to take Drivers Ed class with my friends and I got to drive them all over the place too.”

I love this story so much. This is a true testament to how hard work and determination can help you achieve your dream!! We are so proud of you Sean…You keep on rockin’ it!!
