Adam Debacker has had a love for cooking from a very young age. His mom says he has been in the kitchen, involved in the cooking process since his high-chair days! As a toddler, she always used everything found in the kitchen as developmental tools. So, he was used to playing with flour, water, spices, measuring cups, etc. As he got older, her dad built a platform for him to safely stand on at the counter so that he could help cook.

She says, “Our goal as parents is always of course for our children to be as independent as possible, and cooking is one of those requisite skills that if he learned, all of our lives would be easier. As he got older, he just picked up the skills. Also, he is the most adventurous eater ever! Our family’s taste is broad, and Adam has been exposed to every sort of food imaginable. When we eat out, he looks for the ingredient on the menu that he has not tried before and orders it.”
So, before he was 10, Adam was an experienced cook and often prepared meals for himself and the family. About that time, he made some truffles by looking up the recipe on the internet. He served them at an event his grandmother was having, and when the guests asked about buying them, Truffles E Truffles was born. The name was Adam’s invention, because at that age he thought it sounded funny “Get it: Truffles! Eat Truffles!”

Since then, has turned “Truffles E Truffles into a successful company and uses part of his profits to give back to the community. He says, ““Just help somebody, and it’s like magic. It will give you hope and courage and it will make you a great person for doing that great deed. My favorite part of making truffles is to make people happy.”

In addition to Truffles E Truffles, Adam is attending Ozarks Technical Community College in Springfield, MO as an Early Start Student. He has just begun his second semester of coursework toward an Associate of Arts Degree, with the aspiration to transfer and continue studies at a four year college.