I got this wonderful updated from Alex Goodman’s mom and it just makes my heart so happy!!  She is doing AWESOME and really loving the college life!  We are so proud of you Alex!

Hi Liz,

Hope all is well with you! Just wanted to give you an update on Alex. We are so proud of how well she adjusted college life and living away from home. Alex lives in an apartment with three other roommates that are in her program. She either prepares her meals, goes to the dining hall or goes to restaurants. She has been responsible for her time management. She has learned how to use the campus trolley service to get to academic classes or exercise classes. She has been diligent in getting her homework done and getting good grades!!! She attended football and basketball games and loves being a Yellow Jacket!!! She has done volunteer work…her favorite was at the Humane Society.

Alex goodman3

Last semester her classes were math, financial literacy, GT 1000 (a course all freshman at Georgia Tech take) social skills. She was very proud of her grades (3A’s and a high B). Her classes this semester are English, finance, Science (with a lab), and Chorus.

As parents the first semester was better then we ever expected. I was fully prepared to be going to pick her up every weekend or even for a night during the week but that wasn’t the case. Alex embraced college life…she was so busy she had to fit us into her schedule!!! Georgia Tech has a mentor program and the students that participate in it have been great. The mentors help when needed for social, academic and recreational needs. Alex is happy and feels proud of herself.

Alex Goodman

We are hoping that Alex continues to do well at Georgia Tech and that they will accept more students with Down Syndrome! We feel that her college experience is not just about her, but about those who are going to follow. Thank you and Ruby’s Rainbow for believing in Alex!

Paula Goodman