Ruby nailed her first 3rd grade spelling test ❤️ We worked on 3 of the 10 words given for the week and will work up to more as we go…but she NAILED it!!! Some of you may remember last year that we were using the magnetic letters, but we are trying to shift this year and have a box for each letter so she knows how many letters there are in the word. So far it seems to be working but will keep you posted! I’m just so proud of this girl and how freakin’ hard she works. It truly does amaze me❤️ One of the sentences she wrote with a spelling word (her teacher prompted the sentence but SHE wrote it independently!) was “Today is a good day.” Why yes, my smart and brave Ruby Doobs…it certainly was.❤️❤️

#lifewithrubydoobs #smartypants