We had Ruby’s Pre-ARD Meeting last week, and these meetings can make even the most calm, cool and collected of peeps anxious. An ARD meeting is where you come together with your child’s “team” at school and set the goals for the year that help guide them in the Individual Educational Plan (IEP) for the student.
As I have mentioned many times before, I always stress out and immediately start sweating as we talk about the road ahead and where she needs to be. It is hard to find that balance of having high expectations and pushing her to reach her highest potential,…to just going with the flow and letting them lead the way.
These words from mama Amanda Booth who I am lucky to have in my tribe came just at the right time yesterday:
“My favorite advice to give to parents is to get out of your own head about what you want your child to do. Relax, take a look at them, watch, and allow them the space to lead the way. It’s not our job to come up with who they are. It’s our job to cushion the falls, and build them back up. It’s our job to create kind, and compassionate human beings.”
I will be the first to admit this parenting gig is hard, y’all. Finding balance is hard, but I will always try to give her the best opportunities possible to be the best she can be. I will always push her when I know she is capable…
I will continue to have high expectations…but my new side mission? Is to relax a little more and enjoy the ride. Let her show me the way while giving her the wings and resources she needs to fly.