The Buddy Walk was this weekend and we are blessed with an amazing group of peeps that put on one hell of a celebration.  You can’t even make it around to everything there is to do in just one day.  Last year we went to the petting zoo, played the kid games, checked out the huge helicopter that lands and all the kiddos go running and screaming up to it.  Oh…and dancing…can’t forget the dancing.  Hannah Montana was there, ok, truth be told, Meg as Hannah Montana was there.  Meg  as Taylor Swift was there this year.  It is hilarious and all the kiddos and adults really let loose and have a good time.  I made the mistake last year of setting up camp right in front of the tunes…I think the Ruby Racers crew would have been more stoked had it been a Robert Plant show, but… as great friends do, they smiled and made the best of it.  This year we explored the other ‘wing’ of the Buddy Walk…

Ella Mae and her buddies got to pet the parrot, and of course, that wasn’t enough for miss thang and she asked to hold it.  He let her (but I wasn’t quick enough on the draw with the camera)… Then Ella got to ride her first actual live horse!  She did great….
Up we go!

This picture is a bit ridiculous..don’t ya think?

 Of course ,as the lady explained, the horses go about as fast as molasses drippin’ down a tree stump, but it I think she was a natural.  Ruby Doobs was petting the horse and signing ‘horse’ the whole ride around…

Of course we had to get the sister shot…
Then there was the zip line…

Miss Scarlet (aka Rocky)

Culde crew alum Goergia zippin away
Again, I wasn’t quick on the draw with the camera to catch Ella Mae on the move, but you get the drift…
This year was a little different than last year…last year we had over 60 peeps come walk with us…which was awesome.  We definitely felt the much needed love and support from family and friends.  I have to say though it was kinda nice this year to just sit back and relax, not have to worry about anyone but my own clan (and a few others :)).  We had a few of the ‘staples’ come join…
Uncle Dustin….

Aunt Tracy and Luisa..
Culde crew representing…along with the Ponch’s…
I think that first year knowing everyone loved, accepted and embraced everything that is the Doobs…really meant alot…I have never been so amazed at my group of friends that rallied our first Buddy Walk.  But this year was kinda mellow.  And I liked it just the same.  What I have realized is that our sweet Ruby Doobs will be rockin’ this extra chromosome her entire life.  No doubt peeps will drift in and out…but one thing I know, without a doubt…this girl is loved, our family is loved, and Ruby will continue to spread that sweet energy and smile, changing and opening hearts along the way.  Unfortunatley, the crampy, clammy feeling I had when I woke up that morning came to a head just as the ‘walk’ portion of the day began.  That, combined with a no nap, won’t fall asleep in my stroller, meltdown from the Doobs…we made the decision leave before the end of the walk. We pretty much left right as the walk began…good thing though…this mama was not feeling well.  And you know what?  Our peeps still did the walk in Doob’s honor…just as friends do…I think they would have pushed me in a stroller had I asked them to.  There will be many, many more fun and inspiring events to come…Team ‘Ruby Racers’ has a lifetime club membership…
The only requirement is a Whole Lot of Love 🙂

Keep Rockin this Wonderful Life Peeps!!!!!!