This is a little bit of mom guilt coming out in this post…but I can’t help it.  I have been blogging everyday to spread the coolness factor of the extra chromosome, but I also want to spread the coolness factor of big sister…..  
It is something I struggle with on a daily basis…managing time between both girls.  And not just any time…special time. Where they both feel my undivided love and attention.  Ella Mae isn’t old enough yet to understand why  her little sis needs a little extra time and attention.  Why therapists come in and play and spend time with Ruby. Why we have “Team Ruby Racers” for the Buddy Walk, or why we have “Ruby’s Rainbow”.  One day will she feel less important than her sister?  I hope not.  I try everything in my power to make her feel  important and try to empower her by showing her that she can teach her lil’ sis just about anything.  That we are all here as a family to help one another…that’s just what families do.

  Bottom line: Ella Mae’s compassion for all things is apparent, and I think it will only be enhanced as she grows older and more aware of Ruby’s needs.  She is this crazy, energetic, smart, funny, amazing lil’ lady who is destined to make a good mark in the world.  I see already the impact Ruby and Ella Mae have on one another…the love and energy between them….
Ella Mae will no doubt be one of Ruby’s greatest influences in life…
She is already one of ours…and you know what?  She’s pretty dang good at it.

Twirl on big sister…you’ve been rockin’ our world since the day you were born 🙂