So I think I nailed it on the head when I said that G-ma and G-pa would see the lil’ Doobers first crawl…it didn’t last very long….but she sure did it!!  And she was soooo proud of herself…she was definitely putting her new clapping skills to good use……..

I have been chatting so much about Ruber Doobs to build awareness on the extra chromosome ‘coolness’ factor…I haven’t really chatted much about our other cool kid… who just got her first hair cut..lots of firsts with the G-parents this trip!!  I have been scared to cut it because I was so afraid the last little ringlets would go away… I have been holding on to those little ringlets like I have been trying to hold on to her toddlerhood…but alas…it was time for me to grow up…and let her grow up…..

With G-ma and her old ringlets….
She picked the bubblegum wash…

She marched right in there like a champ…holding my hand the entire way….and you know what??

Some of her lil’ ringlets stayed…just enough that I don’t have to quite let go of them today….baby steps….

               And in the end a little fairy dust makes it all better 🙂  Happy Tuesday peeps!!!!!!