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We are the Gans Family. My name is Sonny, and I am wife to Sean and lucky mama to Cru. At 20 weeks pregnant, we did genetic testing for our unborn child – even though we didn’t want to find out the gender. The test results came back negative.

As Sean and I were in the hospital delivering our sweet Baby G…we were so excited to find out what gender baby we were having. We both deep down wished for a boy but regardless, girl or boy ,we just wanted a healthy baby. When the doctor told Sean to tell me what gender our baby was, I’ll never forget that moment… “It’s a boy, Sonny!” The doctor placed our sweet Baby G on my chest and tears of joy were falling… PURE HAPPINESS. The best feeling of my life… But instantly, I knew…

Our beautiful baby’s day of birth continued! We named him Cru Ledger. We have had this name picked out for years! We were on cloud nine. Our families came by to visit. It felt so surreal… I felt like the luckiest person on the planet, even though little did I know!!

Once my sister came by to visit Cru, I finally voiced my thoughts that I could never imagine real. “Haley, I feel like he has Down syndrome.” I’ll never forget her response… “If he does…who cares?! He’s perfect, Sonny.” And she was right, he was and still is!

The next day our pediatrician’s colleague came in to examine our sweet Cru. As she was examining him, I knew…she voiced my thoughts that soon became reality.

My grandmother, aka Nanny, came up with an acronym when she came into the hospital on day two to visit Cru when it was still the unknown. I asked her, “Nanny, what do you think?” She said as she held Cru and looked at him, “ I know this: C is for chosen by Christ, R is for redeemed by Christ, and U is for United in Christ.”

My father-in-law came up with our nickname for Cru in the family: “Cru the Glue.”

My hope is that the world we live in is a kind and inclusive world. Down syndrome is beautiful, and I’m going to celebrate it. Please help me pave the way for these beautiful individuals who happen to rock an extra chromosome, to make their independence dreams happen so they can go to college!

College is important and is a huge goal for our baby Cru to attend one day. We want him to have the opportunity just like everyone else. Ruby’s Rainbow has become the link, to encourage young adults with Down syndrome to make their dreams about attending college a reality. Ruby’s Rainbow enables these individuals to earn a scholarship to attend the university of their choice!

In the beginning of finding out Cru’s diagnosis, I will admit I thought attending college would never be in the cards for him. I couldn’t have been more wrong. Several universities see that people with all abilities just need to be provided with the opportunity and they will thrive. I can not wait for Cru to get older because I know the opportunities for him will only get better. He is every bit worthy.