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My name is Samantha Lea. My husband, Landon, and I have two girls. Our oldest daughter, Brystal, is six, and our youngest daughter, Raelyn, is two. Raelyn was born with her own extra sparkle, and she loves to shine bright.

I thought I knew about Down syndrome before I had Raelyn, but in reality I knew nothing. Raelyn has taught me so much in her two years. She has taught me that there is no limit for our kids. She showed me that even though it may take a little longer, she can do anything any other kid can do. She loves to learn new things, even though she is stubborn and will only do what she wants to do when she wants to do it.

Children with Down syndrome prove every day that Down syndrome is just a diagnosis. It does not define them and it does not limit them, and that is what I hope I teach people!