Donate Through Mindy’s 3/21 Pledge Page Here!

Hello! We are the Guymon family and we are so excited to be participating in the 321 pledge this year! We have been married almost fifteen years and have six kids. It is as chaotic as it sounds, but we wouldn’t trade it for the world. When our fourth child was born, she came rockin’an extra chromosome. We were shocked and a little… Well, very overwhelmed. We didn’t know what Tessa’s future would look like. Would she walk? Could she talk? Would she have access to the same opportunities her siblings had? As we navigated this new diagnosis, we found people and organizations that gave us hope for Tessa’s future. We learned people with Down syndrome can own businesses, have successful careers, and even go to college! It was exactly the positive perspective we needed. We are so excited to assist Ruby’s Rainbow in helping people with Down syndrome achieve their dreams! We can’t wait to witness the world changing right in front of us. We have more hope now than ever in Tessa’s future, and believe she can attend college if she wants to someday.