Donate Through Kathryn’s 3/21 Pledge Page Here!

Welcome to the Vizzone Family’s bio page. Our older son, Anthony, is now almost five years old. He was born with Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome) as well as congenital cataracts. When he was about 18 months old, he was also diagnosed with autism. The dual diagnosis was a struggle for me and for some time I was in denial. I already was nervous about what the future held for my sweet Anthony and now we were thrown a curveball.

Since Anthony’s diagnosis he’s been receiving ABA therapy along with his other therapies, and he is thriving and meeting so many milestones! We couldn’t be prouder of him. He works harder than anyone I have ever met.

A fellow mom brought my attention to Ruby’s Rainbow. After following Ruby and her family for some time, I couldn’t be more excited and honored to become part of this community last year. My family is thrilled to be able to raise money again this year to help make other family’s dreams come true.