Donate Through Holly’s 3/21 Pledge Page Here!

HI!! I’m Holly Graham. My wife, Alex, and I live in Alberta, Canada, with our two sons, Jaxson and Niko. When we decided to grow our little family, we knew that adopting a child with Down syndrome was our destiny. Both of our boys came to our family through private domestic adoption, Jax in 2014 and Niko in early 2018. To say these two perfect little humans have changed our lives for the better would be a complete understatement. I wish every single person in this world could personally know the magic of Down syndrome—something our little family gets to experience every single day for the rest of our lives!
We have so many hopes and dreams for our sons, and cannot wait to see who they grow up to be and what goals they crush along the way.
I am so excited to be a part of the Ruby’s Rainbow Pledge Committee because I believe in this so much! Ruby’s Rainbow empowers young adults with Down syndrome, helps them pursue higher education and most of all shows the world that our children are capable, and WORTH IT!