Donate Through Elena’s 3/21 Pledge Page Here!

Elena Fong is a Down syndrome and Disability advocate and entrepreneur. She lives in Oakland, California with her husband Will, her 5 year-old daughter Wynter, who has Down syndrome, and her 4 year-old son Nova.

She has been featured in Mothermag and People magazine, and on The Lucky Few podcast, the Big Little Choices podcast, the Born Together podcast, and the Joy is Now podcast.

Elena speaks openly and honestly about motherhood and raising a multiracial child with Down syndrome. She regularly shares her experiences and the raw emotions that come with parenthood, race, and disability on her Instagram @lifewithwynterandnova.

Ruby’s Rainbow has been a source of great inspiration and hope for the future for Elena’s daughter and for all young adults with Down syndrome. Elena has fundraised each year for the past 5 years for Ruby’s Rainbow in support of helping another person with Down syndrome go to college and fulfilling their goals and dreams.

Thank you for joining us in helping Ruby’s Rainbows reach their fundraising goal this year!