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Have you ever had a deep, meaningful friendship that breathes life into you? They don’t come along often — but we have found it times six!

We are a group of friends who are fiercely loyal to each other and strive not only to better ourselves, but to support each other unconditionally. Simply come as you are. Somewhere along the way, our group was dubbed “The Trust Tree,” or “Tree” for short. Four of the six of us are so committed to this friendship that we have trees tattooed on us…and the other two will come around someday.

We all have different backgrounds and each of us brings individual uniqueness to the group. Our ages range over a 12-year span from oldest to youngest. The young ones tell the old ones what’s cool and what’s not. The old ones tell the young ones stories about walking to school in the snow uphill both ways with the occasional “Hey, I did that once and don’t recommend it for you.” We have experienced and survived marriages, divorces, miscarriages, infertility, and the births of eight kids.

In the midst of all that came the birth of Sully Drake, who surprised everyone with her extra chromosome. The Tree supports Sully and celebrates all her achievements, big or small, and picks up Momma when she’s had a bad day due to a poor evaluation, behavioral issues, delays, IEPs, etc. The Tree understands why inclusion is so important, not only for Sully but for their own children as well, who are all typically developing. The Tree is committed to shouting the worth of every child and helping those with Down syndrome reach their dreams of attending college.