Donate Through Sherry’s 3/21 Pledge Page Here!

After nearly 45 years as an educator in Pre-K–12 and college, I retired shortly after my first grandchild was born. Not only were my husband John and I delighted to finally become grandparents, we were thrilled that our little guy Wes was born with an extra special chromosome. Not knowing much about Down syndrome, we immediately set about both educating ourselves and reaching out to the Down syndrome community through social media.

And that is how we found Ruby’s Rainbow. We supported Ruby’s Rainbow for three years with monthly donations. Then, a few years ago, I decided I wanted to do more by joining the Pledge Committee. Wes is only six, but one day he will be college age. I can only hope he will be welcomed into an appropriate college program with the same enthusiasm as the current Ruby’s Rainbow scholarship recipients. In the meantime, I will continue to support Wes as “Nana.” That support includes raising as much awareness as we can about Down syndrome and the potential of college-age students who are like Wes – different and amazing!