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Rockin’ Recipient Martha Is Rockin’ It in the EXEL Program at Georgia Tech!!

November 4th, 2020

This is Rockin’ Recipient Martha in front of the Sheller College of Business at Georgia Tech, where she is rockin’ it in the EXEL program!! She’s joined a Christian club on campus and is loving getting to meet other students and make friends! She says she’s “working very hard and continuing to show what her extra Chromosome can Do!!!” 🙌😍 LOVE THAT!!! Martha loves her mentors, is getting comfortable walking around campus, and plans to continue being herself and “work hard to succeed!!”

WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU, Martha!! You ROCK!!! ❤️❤️ Love your mask, too 😍

Learn more about Martha >>>

#KeepOnRockinItMartha #RockinRecipientsRule #CampusLife #DownSyndromeRocks #TheSkyIsTheLimit #NothingDownAboutIt #TheLuckyFew

College lifeEXELGeorgia TechMartha HaythornpandemicRockin' Recipient UpdateRockin' Recipients Rule

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