Rockin’ Recipient Lucy Sturman Co-Wrote A Memoir With Her Sister!!
July 9th, 2019
Y’all, I am SO PROUD of #RockinRecipient Lucy Sturman, who just celebrated the release of her memoir Enabled which she co-authored with her sister Ceci Sturman!!! 👏📖👏
Luci & Ceci worked on the book together for a year and a half 😍 and Lucy had this to say about it: “It’s about self-acceptance and living a full life. There’s so many poems and stories about our sisterhood, childhood, family, and what it feels like to live with someone who has an inspirational learning challenge. Enabled as a title is so powerful, it means the opposite of disabled which is unfair to categorize anyone and to ourselves. It helps us to feel good about ourselves and do anything we like to do in our lives.”
I can’t even express how much I ❤️❤️❤️ this 😍😍😍 Oh, AND as if all of the above weren’t enough 😂😂 Lucy’s rockin’ a 4.0 GPA at No. Virginia Community College, where she’s in her 3rd semester, focusing on Theatre and Communications…and she’s also been working at American Eagle Outfitters for the past year. Clearly, this girl is ROCKIN’ IT 👊👏🌈
SO PROUD of you & your sister, Lucy – keep up the amazing work & keep us posted!!
Grab your copy of Enabled on Amazon and learn more about Lucy here!!
#TheLuckyFew #SelfAdvocate #DownSyndromeRocks #NothingDownAboutIt #RockinRecipientsRule