Ruby's Rainbow is a 501(c)(3) non-profit org.

Ruby's Rainbow News

Registration For Ruby’s Rockin’ RainBOWL Is OPEN!!!

June 19th, 2019

EEK!! Registration for Ruby’s Rockin’ RainBOWL IS OPEN for both Austin and San Diego!!! This event is SO MUCH FUN as it brings my two fave things together: community and raising funds and awareness for peeps rockin’ that extra chromosome!! We are still needing sponsors and in-kind donations as we want to get some amazing raffle baskets together, so if you have a business or craft that you would want to contribute please comment below or send me a message!

You can learn more about becoming a sponsor or REGISTER for the event by clicking the links below!!

2019AustinBowlingFamily FunFundraiserRainBOWLRockin RainBOWLRuby DoobsSan Diego

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