Ruby's Rainbow is a 501(c)(3) non-profit org.

Ruby's Rainbow News

Liz Plachta Met Tim Shriver at the DSDN Rockin’ Mamas Retreat!!

September 7th, 2019

“You’ve got the gift. We need it. Share it.” Words from Tim Shriver last night at the Down Syndrome Diagnosis Network – DSDN Rockin Mamas Retreat. He talked about how WE have the power to change the world through sharing the gift of our kids. How the world is so divisive in this day and age due to assumptions and how we are “Othering” each other. How the power of inclusion can teach people things that can unlock a more positive world…and we are the leaders and experts in the inclusion game, so who better to lead the charge?
He also talked about how his Aunt Rosemary shaped his family just by being included in it, in a time when that was not the norm.- and he wouldn’t be standing in front of us today had it not been for her. He showed a picture of his family back in the day pointing out his Uncle “Jack” and said it was the gift of Rosemary that helped him change the world alongside his sister Eunice❤️ .
I can’t imagine a world without the Rosemary’s and the Ruby’s of the world. I know first hand how my own daughter has shaped and changed my entire life in ways I never knew was possible. One of my greatest joys is sharing her and our Recipients with the world in hopes that others get a glimpse of what I see. ❤️
“You’ve got the gift. We need it. Share it.”❤️

DSDNDSDN RetreatMamas RetreatRetreatRockin' MamasRockin' Mamas Retreatrockin' that extra chromosomeThe Lucky FewTim Shriver

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