2018 Rockin’ Recipient Leeann Phillips Hosted Her Own Radio Show!
February 16th, 2019
Recently 2018 Rockin’ Recipient Leeann Phillips hosted her own radio show at Rhode Island College with the help of her mentor, and I am so ding-dang proud of this lady!! ???????????? Here’s what she had to say after the show aired:
“I had a lot of fun hosting the radio station. I loved being heard and expressing myself to everyone listening. I loved all my fans!” ????????
That’s so fantastic – and I’m willing to bet your fans loved you right back!! We are so proud of you, Leeann!! Keep on rockin’ it at Rhode Island College and on the airwaves!! ????????

2018 Rockin’ Recipient Leeann Phillips speaks into the mic!

2018 Rockin’ Recipient Leeann Phillips with her mentor, hosting her radio show!
#KeepOnRockinItLeeann #RockinRecipient #RockinRecipients #RockinRecipientsRule #RecipientUpdate #RockinRecipientUpdate #RubysRainbow #RockinThatExtraChromosome #AustinNonprofit #TheLuckyFew #DownSyndrome #DownSyndromeAwareness #DownSyndromeRocks #NothingDownAboutIt #DownrightPerfect #UpSyndrome #InclusionMatters #SpecialNeeds #SpecialNeedsAwareness #DifferentIsBeautiful #T21 #Trisomy21 #DownSyndromeLove #DownSyndromeIsBeautiful #ShoutTheirWorth #MoreAlikeThanDifferent #UpsideOfDown #SpecialEducation