Megan Baird: Calvin University – Life and Career Studies (TEKsystems Scholarship Award)

Megan is this year’s recipient of the Ruby’s Rainbow TEKsystems Scholarship Award. This fall, she begins her freshman year in the Life and Career Studies program at Calvin University, where she plans to study health, wellness and recreation. In the future, she would love to have a job in sports management and live independently. She can’t wait to begin her fall semester at Calvin, to be with her peers and make new friends.
A huge Ohio State fan, Megan loves all things sports, with basketball and soccer as her particular favorites. She also loves to sing, dance and perform. Those who know her describe her as someone with a beautiful personality who is fun to be around and makes friends easily wherever she goes. Her proudest accomplishment so far is being accepted into the program at Calvin University.
We believe in you, Megan! Keep on rockin’ it!