Haley Reeves: Mississippi State University – ACCESS (Charlotte Keilty Scholarship Award)

Haley is a two-time Rockin’ Recipient and this year’s recipient of the Ruby’s Rainbow Charlotte Keilty Scholarship Award. This fall, she is excited to begin her junior year in the ACCESS program at Mississippi State University, where she is studying communications and public relations.
Haley is very proud to have kept her grades up while being involved with her sorority and managing two internships last semester. She especially enjoyed interning with the MSU Fan Experience, where she assisted staff with fan involvement efforts at baseball and softball games. She is looking forward to continuing her involvement with charity events on campus this year. After college, she hopes to find a job working in public relations while advocating for individuals with disabilities.
Haley loves attending MSU football, baseball and softball games. She says, “Hail State and let’s get ready to ring our cowbells!!!”
We believe in you, Haley! You rock!