Jenny Anderson: Bethel University – BUILD (Appelwat Family & Friends Scholarship Award)

Jenny is this year’s recipient of the Ruby’s Rainbow Appelwat Family & Friends Scholarship Award. This fall she begins her freshman year in the BUILD program at Bethel University, where she plans to earn her Certificate of Applied Studies in the area human services, with a focus on American Sign Language (ASL). Her future plans include attending leadership training at Young Life, becoming an ASL interpreter, and working with children as a camp counselor.
Jenny is a thoughtful, kind and caring person and a wonderful friend. She loves reading, dancing, singing, photography, and doing crafts. She is very proud of her many accomplishments, including being an athlete with Special Olympics in both gymnastics and BMX biking at X-games. She is very proud to have been a dancer with Inspiration Performing Arts Center for 11 years.
We believe in you, Jenny! We think you rock!