Faith-Christina Duncan: Valencia College

Faith-Christina is a five-time Rockin’ Recipient and a sophomore at Valencia College, where she is studying American Sign Language and interpreting, and working toward her Associate’s degree. She has been on the President’s Honors list every semester since she enrolled in college. After she graduates, she is looking forward to having a career using her interpreting skills and ASL knowledge, and living independently.
Faith-Christina’s hobbies include quilting, working out, community services and volunteering. A proud self-advocate, she is hard-working and sets her goals high, and her motto is “Challenge Accepted.” Most recently, she has embraced that motto by relocating with her family to a different state to help out an elderly grandmother. This has meant giving up her part-time job and finishing her college education online. She will travel back to Valencia College when it is time to graduate—and she will definitely have earned the right to walk across that stage with her peers with Honors.
We believe in you, Faith-Christina! You are a true inspiration!