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Davis Harkey – Clemson University ClemsonLIFE



Davis is a two-time Rockin’ Recipient. This fall he is excited to begin his second year in the ClemsonLIFE program at Clemson University, where he is studying independent living skills. The basic ClemsonLIFE program has a two-year term; students must be invited to return for their junior and senior years in the program. Davis’s goal this year is to work hard and be invited back for the advanced program.

Davis loves live music and dancing, and is always searching the Internet for local bands he can follow. He also enjoys playing basketball and swimming. He is very proud that he can now fix his own meals and do his own laundry. He has made many friends in college and loves going to dinner with groups of friends in downtown Clemson. He also joined the choir at a local Catholic church, and takes pride in singing at Mass every Sunday.

It sounds like you are well on your way toward your goal of learning to live independently, Davis! We are proud of you and we believe in you!

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We’re so proud of all our Rockin’ Recipients and honored to be a part of their journeys!

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