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Grace Davis – Auburn University EAGLES (Charlotte Keilty Scholarship Award)



Grace is a three-time Rockin’ Recipient and this year’s recipient of the Ruby’s Rainbow Charlotte Keilty Scholarship Award. She is a junior in the Advanced EAGLES program at Auburn University, where she is working toward her goal of becoming a teacher’s assistant. She loves dancing, cheering, singing with Greek Sing, and exercising at the campus rec center, where she also enjoys taking fitness classes.

She is proud of herself for living for the past year and a half without a peer mentor. She loves to travel, and had a wonderful time on a recent spring break trip to Disney World with her two best friends. “We went by ourselves, and it was so fun!”

For other students with Down syndrome, she has this advice: “If you want to go to college, you can. You can go to college like me. Do all your work in school. Try your best. You can be an EAGLE like me!”

We believe in you, Grace! You rock!

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We’re so proud of all our Rockin’ Recipients and honored to be a part of their journeys!

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