Candace Moffitt – University of Oklahoma Sooner Works (Cru Gans Scholarship Award)

Candace is a three-time Rockin’ Recipient and this year’s recipient of the Ruby’s Rainbow Cru Gans Scholarship Award. She is a junior in the Sooner Works program at the University of Oklahoma.
Along with taking Sooner Works courses and dance classes, Candace is working at internships focusing on time management. She loves spending time with friends, going to church, going out for ice cream, and attending OU events. Her goal after graduation is to become a dance teacher.
Candace’s advice for other students with Down syndrome is to “Be fearless and brave. The hard part is being away from home, family and pets. So try to make new friends, and don’t be afraid to talk to each other. Tell your parents that it might be hard to let your kids go to college—but they can visit and go to football games with you.”
We think that is wise advice, Candace! We can’t wait to see you continue making your dreams come true!