Grace Davis – Auburn University EAGLES (PCSI Scholarship Award)

Grace is a two-time Rockin’ Recipient and this year’s recipient of the Ruby’s Rainbow PCSI Scholarship Award. This fall she will enter her second year in the EAGLES program at Auburn University. She loved her first year at Auburn, and was recognized as EAGLES Student of the Month in February. She also competed in Greek Sing, and her sorority, AOPi, won second place overall.
Grace has volunteered with her sorority to build fences for Habitat for Humanity, and with Storybook Farm to clean the horse stalls. Her professors and mentors describe her as hardworking, kind, and someone who “lights up any room she enters.”
Grace is proud of the independence she has gained since starting her program at Auburn, and has this advice for other students with Down syndrome who are considering post-secondary education: “Work hard in school and you can do it.” Such good advice, Grace! You rock—we believe in you!