Spread Your Wings and Fly!!
October 29, 2016

“They are still here, Nella. And now they are in camo, ducking in the bushes following us again. Haven’t they heard the saying, “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone?” I think it’s time we pushed them over the edge of theirs.”
Letting go is one of the hardest things any parent has to do, whether your child has special needs or not. Trusting them to the world, and trusting you have given them the right tools to make the best decisions to live the best life possible. I always chuckle with parents because I work so hard to help other people’s kids go off into the world and go for their dreams of independence and I believe it is such an important part of life and growing up….but when it’s my turn to let go?
You can bet I will be contemplating putting on my camouflage, hiding in the bushes to make sure the world is treating my baby right. That’s the thing, though…I learned the most about myself and what my own personal passions and dreams were once I flew the coop and didn’t have anyone breathing down my back, doing my laundry or jumping out of the bushes to rescue me. I made some good choices…but I made lots of mistakes too (lots of them!) and with each one, I grew and evolved into…well, ME. A version of myself that I am, most of the time, pretty darn happy with.
I want that so desperately for my own daughter…for her to live her life to the fullest, have amazing experiences, to make mistakes, to laugh, to cry…to see the world if she wants to. To become the version of herself that SHE has been dreaming of. One that makes HER heart happy.
So…this mama will forge on, trying to give her as many tools in her belt to build the life she dreams of, giving her as many adventures and experiences as I can to let her explore this crazy world and the opportunities in it…and then try to step out of my own comfort zone, keeping my camouflage tucked high up in my closet when it is time to let her spread her wings and fly.
Next up…a story of one recipient’s adventures that will make your heart smile!!