It’s a Part of me and I Would Never Want to Change That
October 29, 2016

Meet Kayla McAuliffe. Kayla says, “I have Down syndrome and it’s a part of me and I would never want to change that.”
Since graduating high school in May, she just started the Riverview School GOAL Program in Connecticut and just moved into her dorm last month. She is excited to become more independent and follow her dreams of working with animals and caring for them when they are sick. She hasn’t always been so sure and confident, though. “I have faced many hard times in my life, even though it was hard and scary at times. Since I was a freshman (in high school) I have really changed a lot. I was nervous and shy and did not feel like I had a lot of friends, then I joined the cheer team. It really helped me a lot to build my confidence and to be a part of something.”
She says she made some really good friends on the cheerleading squad that she knows she will never forget. She was even elected co-captain her senior year because of her leadership qualities and her ability to inspire everyone. She says that “after years gone by I feel better about myself and who I am.”
Her family recently went on a trip to Europe that her mom said was “years in the making and fantastic!” She also said that “Kayla was fascinated with the different European cultures and embraced them. She actually wasn’t afraid to talk to anyone in the 6 different countries that we visited, even though there was a language barrier.”
I am in love with this picture of Kayla and her mom because I can visualize that being me and Ruby. I think sometimes with a diagnosis of Down Syndrome, some may wonder what adventures are in store… We already try and expose her to different types of experiences, and cultures and surround her with those who love her (that’s not hard ) so someday I hope to make memories like these that push us out of our comfort zones a little and help us expand and grow!!
Keep on rockin’ it Kayla!!!
Happy Saturday, Ya’ll!! Make it an adventurous and grateful one!!