Ruby's Rainbow is a 501(c)(3) non-profit org.


Ruby and Nella Whip Up Some Inclusion

October 3, 2016

“Hey, Ruby, do you think the bottom of this bell pepper looks like a butt cheek?”
Ruby already loves being in the kitchen helping daddy stir the pancakes (or cupcakes as she calls them :)), crackin’ eggs or measuring out things (usually very messy things :)). She even pulls up her chair to help G-Ma whip up her famous chocolate chip cookies every time they are in town (We love you G-Ma!). Not only is it great to help strengthen muscles, but there are tons of ways to use the kitchen as a fun, learning activity….and they don’t even know it! So sneaky, I know…also cooking is a skill that we all need to gain more independence and explore different foods so I feel it is good to get familiar with it early on…and also it is super fun!! And did I say messy?! Yes, I think I did…..
We have many of our recipients who have found their passion in the kitchen, and some have even gone on to find their careers there too…or even start their own businesses! More on that later, but for now, know that there are also lots of programs that focus on the Culinary Arts and not just in post-secondary education, but that starts at a younger age.
It is worth looking into your local area programs or Down Syndrome Association to see if there is something fun…and messy…near you!!

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