College Is About Gaining Confidence and Independence!!
October 6, 2021

A huge part of what this college experience provides our recipients is gaining the CONFIDENCE to get out into the world and explore more independently. In the first few weeks, most students who have never taken public or campus transit are navigating their life and schedules all on their own!!
People with Down syndrome are SO capable and it’s amazing to see the growth in such a short amount of time when given the opportunity to live a more independent life
Getting around campus
#rubyandnellabucketlist #rubyandnella #rubysrainbow #downsyndromeawareness #dsam #downsyndrmoeawarnessmonth #theluckyfew #nothingdownaboutit #octoberawareness #college #scholarships #downsyndromerocks #t21rocks #downsyndrome #bucketlist