Ruby's Rainbow is a 501(c)(3) non-profit org.


An Eye for Photography!

October 4, 2016

“When you gonna drop Magnum on us, Ruby? Blue Steel is so last year.”
Rachel Handlin says, “Sometimes it’s hard for me to use words to say what I mean. My pictures can say what I mean.”
Having an eye for photography is definitely a gift. It is also a great way of self-expression. Many people with Down syndrome use the arts as a form of communication and expression, just as anyone else who may have a gift. Whether it is painting, poetry, sketching, or photography, I have been so inspired and blown away by the amazing work I have seen from our recipients and others who are rockin’ that extra chromosome. I will share Rachel’s story later today, but there are too many successful and talented artists who just happen to have Down syndrome to fit into one post!!
I love more than anything seeing ANYBODY following their dreams and their passion…and just from doing that, I feel like the most beautiful things can come from it, no matter who you are or what it is. Keep on livin’ the dream, follow your hearts and the best is yet to come!!
In the words of Zoolander, “I’m pretty sure there’s a lot more to life than being really, really, ridiculously good-looking. And I plan on finding out what that is.”
Orange Mocha Frappuccino, anyone??

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