Featuring Award-winning Artist Andrew Weatherly
October 10, 2016

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Andrew Weatherly is an amazing artist who just happens to have Down syndrome. He was one of our 2013 Rockin’ Recipients and I have loved following his journey. His mom is always sending me updates when he has a new gallery showing and I am always so inspired by his artwork.
“For Andrew Weatherly, art is a tool for personal and social growth. His work invites the viewers in for closer inspection. Weatherly, born with Down syndrome, maintains that artwork is a tool he uses to advocate for people with disabilities.
Painter, poet and photographer, the artist chooses media that offer him the extraordinary avenues for self – expression, as well as, the ability to navigate compelling barriers while sharing his own insight and perspective with the viewers.”
Andrew is not alone. There are so many talented artists with Down syndrome who use their artwork as a way to express themselves…and the outcome? Raw, unfiltered beauty that comes directly from the heart.
Andrew’s work has shown nationally as well as abroad, including exhibits at The Smithsonian, London, Cape Cod Museum of Art, and more recently at the Morristown Medical Center. His poetry has appeared in various publications such as two New Jersey Wordsmith Poetry Annuals, and “Voices of Peace Poetry”, Veterans for Peace and Arts Foundation.
Guys…isn’t he amazing?! Check out more of his work on his website: http://www.andrewweatherly.com/
Video cred to A Plus for Leesa Sleep and ArtLifting.
Keep on rockin’ it Andrew!!
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