Ruby's Rainbow is a 501(c)(3) non-profit org.

Ruby Doobs


September 4th, 2019

YES YOU CAN ❤️ Three simple words that can be so powerful. My beautiful friend Kelle Hampton put her heart and soul into her collaboration with Oxford Pennant and what came out of it was pure awesomeness ❤️ Just as awesome- she chose RR to benefit from the proceeds and it could not be more perfect because the messages she‘s putting out into the universe are so engrained in everything we believe in. Who doesn’t need everyday reminders that “I like you just the way you are” and that “every day I get to spend with you is a gift?” (These two pennants are on their way to my house as I type❤️) The world is a crazy place so I love the thought of my girls being surrounded with positivity and love in every part of our home ❤️❤️ .
Head on over to and get ya some of that good vibe while it’s still available!!!
Happy Humpday, peeps!! ❤️
FundraiserKelle HamptonLife with Ruby DoobsOxford PennantRubyRuby Doobs

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