Way to Go, Taryn Stinson and Scott Conklin!!
August 14th, 2018
These lovely, happy, pride-filled faces are very dear to my heart, peeps ❤️
❤️ These are current Rockin’ Recipients – Taryn Stinson and Scott Conklin – and they’re also past recipients! This is Scott’s second Ruby’s Rainbow scholarship, and Taryn is one of our very first THREE-TIME recipients!!! Taryn emailed me this pic along with this message:
“Hi my name is Taryn Stinson and this is my friendScott Conklin
We are both in the Beyond Academics here in Greensboro and now we are going to be seniors this year and we graduate next year of 2019 in May.
Taryn and Scott, you have no idea how proud we are of you!!!! Keep on rockin’ it all the way to graduation, y’all!!! We are cheering you on the whole way!!! ❤️
Read more about our Rockin’ Recipients: http://rubysrainbow.org/rockin-recipients/
#RockinRecipientsRule #RubysRainbow #NoLimits#CollegeGraduation #DownSyndrome#DownSyndromeRocks#DownSyndromeAwareness #TheLuckyFew#KeepOnRockinItScott #KeepOnRockinItTaryn