Watch Ruby Doobs and her BFF Fiona Perform Their Hip-Hop Dance Number
December 9th, 2018
These two are as thick as thieves…so when Fiona’s bday party had a conflict with their hip hop recital, her amazing dance studio made an exception and let them do a duet at last nights performance instead of the class performance today.
These girls are so freaking brave though. They had only practiced the duet version once this week before performing tonight…and I won’t say they nailed it (dang hats????), but they sure as heck got out there and had some fun which is really the only thing that matters. The confidence I see growing in Ruby every single day just shoots my “mama pride meter” sky high and truly makes me look at myself and the world in such a different way. It’s hard to explain but I surely hope someday everyone in the universe gets a glimpse into what I see on the daily. She has her class performance this afternoon before she rushes out to make Fiona’s party so I will be sure to post that one too!!! Enjoy!!!.
#lifewithrubydoobs #rubysrainbow #theluckyfew #rubyandfiona #hiphop