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VIDEO: Rockin’ Recipients React to Learning They Are Receiving a 2020 Ruby’s Rainbow Scholarship!!

June 25th, 2020

I double dog dare you to watch this video and not smile. I LIVE for seeing the joy on their faces and in their hearts when they find out they are receiving a Ruby’s Rainbow Scholarship!! Martha is heading to the Georgia Tech EXCEL program this fall but has already been working as a classroom assistant for kids with special needs, while also working as a policy intern at the ARC of Georgia in the State Capitol. She wants to learn more about advocacy in the field of disability policy and says, “I have a voice in leadership and I want to grow as a leader.”
Her mom says that Martha has a “relentless passion for the full inclusion of individuals with disabilities and the many forms this takes from meeting with representatives, attending meetings of fellow advocates, speaking up at school when someone is mistreated, to working with children with exceptional needs in the classroom. Her joy, hope and courage in this work are contagious and she is a source of encouragement for others. The opportunity for her to grow and mature as an advocate and a human being through an inclusive post-secondary program is the fulfillment of a dream.”
I have a feeling this isn’t the last we hear from Martha. Keep on rockin’ it Martha and changing this world for the better!! We are SO PROUD of you!!!
2020Rockin' RecipientsRockin' Recipients RuleScholarshipVideo

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