Update on Rockin’ Recipient Molly Carter!
September 7th, 2019
Molly, one of our brand-new Rockin’ Recipients (on the right in this pic), has immersed herself in campus life at the University of Tennessee – she’s one of 9 students on the Presidential Executive Board of UT’s Student Government Association (to be clear, that’s just 9 students out of UT’s student population of 29,000 😲😍), serving as Assistant Communications Director on the Social Media Team! Best of all, she’s having a blast!!
Way to go Molly!! 👏🙌 You are truly rockin’ that extra chromosome, workin’ hard and setting an amazing example for everyone in your community!! ❤️❤️ Learn more about Molly here >>> https://rubysrainbow.org/
#RockinThatExtraChromosome #DownSyndromeRocks #NothingDownAboutIt #TheLuckyFew #RockinRecipientsRule #KeepOnRockinItMolly